Free Health InsuranceFree Health Insurance

At one point in life, you truly realize that the only important aspect of living is good health. Unfortunately, in the United States, health care is extremely expensive and difficult to access for millions of family, no matter how beneficial Obamacare is advertised to be. Health problems tend to occur when you least expect them and it is recommended that you have at least some form of health insurance so you will have a few options to find a solution. The good news is that there are several ways in which you can benefit from free or low cost health insurance, if you fall under one of the following categories: low income, pregnant women, children / kids, students and unemployed. Discover these 6 ways on how to obtain free health insurance below and see if you qualify for one of these health care plans.

1. Medicaid

One of the most well-known ways to obtain free health insurance is through Medicaid. According to the official Health Care website of the government, “Medicaid (and CHIP) provide free or low-cost health coverage to millions of Americans, including some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with disabilities. Both programs are run jointly by federal and state governments, and details vary somewhat between the states”. In order to see if you qualify for the Medicaid program for coverage, you need to fill out an online Market place application form. It does not matter if you live in Florida, California, New Jersey (NJ), Illinois, Pennsylvania (PA), New York (NY), Maryland, Indiana, Colorado, Massachusetts (MA), Georgia (GA), Michigan, Washington, Ohio, Texas, Arizona (AZ), Nevada, Wisconsin, New Hampshire (NH), Oregon, Minnesota (MN), or North Carolina (NC), Medicaid covers every state in America and even helps all adults under a certain income level in some states. You can apply for Medicaid coverage via the Health Insurance Marketplace and see if you or your family is eligible for the program.

2. Children’s Health Insurance Program

In addition to Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is one of the best ways in which a child can obtain free health insurance. The two programs go hand and in hand, with the advantage of the Children’s Health Insurance Program when families have a higher income than that stated for Medicaid coverage. The great part about the Children’s Health Insurance Program is that it may cover pregnant women and parents, as well as their children. If you are eligible for the program, you do not have to purchase a Marketplace plan or pay the fee for not having health insurance. Furthermore, another delightful advantage of CHIP is that you can enroll for the program at any time throughout the year, so you are not pressured by any deadlines. Through CHIP, routine dental and MD visits are free and do not involve any price quotes. You can sign up for this form of medical care assistance by answering a few questions on the website, calling the 1-877-543-7669 hotline or you can download and fill out the marketplace application.

3. The Partnership for Prescription Assistance

The Partnership for Prescription Assistance is a fantastic platform in which you benefit from prescription help and either free or low-cost clinics in your area. One of the best features of the Partnership for Prescription Assistance platform is that you can get a list of participating patient assistance programs in which you can obtain free medication for your condition. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover a lengthy list in alphabetical order with programs that offer prescription drugs free of charge, such as the Financial Assistance and Patient Support Program for KALYDECO, the Xubex Patient Assistance Program, the AbbVie Patient Assistance Foundation (HUMIRA), the Valeant Patient Assistance Program, the Buphenyl Assistance Program or the ORBACTIV Assistance Program, just to name a few.

4. RxHope

With an inspiring and caring philosophy, RxHope acts as “your advocate in making the patient assistance program journey easier and faster by supplying vital information and help”, according to their official website. Through this platform, you can obtain free health insurance, or at a very low cost. You can ask for a quote and see if you are eligible for the program, and search for the medication that you might be able to acquire without paying. In addition to this, they provide a wide range of helpful online resources and pharma company links so you can be well informed at all times and see how you can benefit the most from health care.

5. College Student Health Plan

If you are a student, you are definitely going to want to ace every exam after you hear this. A great number of colleges in America provide a student health plan in which you are covered for basic health insurance. You probably understand now why tuition can become so expensive sometimes. Before counting on your college for free health insurance, you should always check with the offices of the University to see if they provide this service. If you are indeed covered by your college student health plan, it means that you do not have to face the penalty that other people who are not covered have to pay in general. Moreover, many individuals under the age of 26 might be able to be covered by the health insurance plan of a parent until they reach that age. There are quite a few options for students out there, so we recommend that you thoroughly do your research before purchasing a health care plan.

6. Pregnant-Only Medi-Cal Services

The good news for pregnant women in Los Angeles, California, is that they can benefit from free health care coverage related to their pregnancy if they have low incomes. Pregnant women in this situation can apply at a local DPSS (Department of Public Social Services) Office or even at schools or clinics in their area. In order to be eligible, you have to fit into the income limit specified on the website, according to the size of your family.

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