Health Information for Red Clover
Health Information for Red Clover

One of the lesser-known herbs available as a natural treatment, red clover can prevent blood clots, osteoporosis, and other dangerous health issues.  It is best taken as a concentrated supplement, usually found in capsule form.  As with all health supplements, speaking with a doctor prior to taking any form of red clover is advised – especially if any other supplements or medications are being taken already.  What follows are six ways red clover extract can help the body.

Cholesterol Levels

HDL Cholesterol, simply known as “good cholesterol”, can be raised by isoflavones found in red clover.  This cholesterol is used to break down the bad (LDL) cholesterol which can cause various health complications.

Strengthen Arteries

Especially for women experiencing menopause, this herb can improve the strength of the body’s arteries and make them more flexible.  Weakened arteries are a serious menopausal symptom that can cause health complications for women if gone unchecked.

Improve Circulation

The flow of blood throughout the body is generally improved due to the prevention of blood clots provided by red clover.  This helps deliver oxygen throughout the body more efficiently, resulting in overall better health.  It also acts as a blood thinner.

Fight Cancer

Though it may not cure cancer, red clover has been proven to slow its growth.  This herb’s effects can be seen for most forms of cancer, but may actually worsen breast cancer due to its estrogenic properties.

Cough Relief

One of the more usable red clover benefits is its ability to suppress a cough.  This is mostly due to its anti-inflammatory properties.  It is one of the few herbs that is safe to use for children, as well, making this a great natural medicine.

Anti-inflammatory Power

When concentrated and mixed with a medium to create an ointment or cream, red clover acts as a great topical treatment for rashes, inflammation, and any general irritation of the skin.  It can even reduce itchiness and acne.  It can also be ingested to deal with various types of internal inflammation.

Potential Negative Side Effects

When taken in moderate amounts, red clover rarely causes any negative effects.  Minor issues such as nausea, rashes, and headaches can occur when approaching toxic levels due to overuse, as well as due to allergic reactions.  Care should be taken when combining this herb with other herbs or medication as well, especially since it is a blood thinner; taking two substances that thin blood at the same time could result in serious health complications.

Various types of cancer associated with women can also be negatively affected by red clover.  Uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer are all extremely sensitive to fluctuations of the hormone estrogen, which is affected by red clover.  Endometriosis, a painful uterine disorder, is also among this list.

 If you are concerned with any of these conditions or are taking any other supplements, be sure to ask your doctor before deciding to use red clover.

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