Burdock RootBurdock Root

Burdock root has been used for hundreds of years, dating back to traditional chinese medicine, as a treatment for various health conditions of varying severity.  The burdock plant is commonly found in Asia and Europe, though it has since spread to other areas of the world in less abundance.  It grows naturally just about everywhere and can even be found on the side of a street.  The root is soft and sweet, and is full of a wide range of nutrients such as: potassium, iron, calcium, mucilage, flavonoids, and more.

Healing Burns

One of the benefits of burdock root is that it can be used topically to heal burns when crushed together with burdock leaves and made into a paste.  It may also prevent bacterial infection.  The mucilage in the root provides immediate relief from the pain of a burn while the skin heals over time.

Control Blood Sugar Levels

Blood glucose levels can be reduced by consuming burdock root.  This effect has been proven by both animal and human tests.  It may aid in curing diabetes instead of simply acting as a regulator for blood sugar, though more research is required to confirm this.

Therapeutic Scalp Uses

Oil made from burdock root benefits the scalp by moisturizing it and and improving the rate and thickness of hair growth.  It can treat dandruff, as well as provide various benefits to the hair itself such as increasing vibrancy and strengthening each strand of hair.

Protect the Liver

Possibly one of the most important burdock root health benefits is its ability to detoxify the liver.  It can also heal any existing liver damage.  These two properties have not yet been fully confirmed, however.

Prevent the Spread of Cancer

While it may not actually destroy cancerous cells, burdock root is suspected to stop cancer from spreading.  It does this by completely halting the process of metastasis, which duplicates existing cancer cells.

Blood Purifier

Naturalists often employ burdock seeds as a way to remove toxins from the bloodstream.  Simply consuming the seeds and/or root in a tea or supplement can dispel these toxins, especially when considering the fact that burdock root is a diuretic (meaning it increases frequency of urination).  It has also been used as an immediate treatment to delay the effects of poisonous snake bites.

Miscellaneous Uses

Various other conditions can be cured through the use of the parts of the burdock plant.  These include, but are certainly not limited to: psoriasis, eczema, gout, tonsillitis, measles, a sore throat, and ulcers.  It may even be used to lessen the symptoms of the common cold.

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