Ion Bracelet Provides Relief to Allergy SufferersIon Bracelet Provides Relief to Allergy Sufferers

Negative Ion Bracelet and Its Health Benefits

Ion Bracelet is said not only to relieve pain associated with a wide array of conditions but also to fight against allergies of all kinds. Before taking a closer look at the acclaimed benefits of negative ion bracelets and their appealing allure, let’s see what negative ions are all about.


What Are Negative Ions?

Have you ever savored the rejuvenating air near a waterfall? Also, while hiking in the mountains, there is that strong, clean, pure air that invades your lungs. What about that slightly sweet scent you get during a thunderstorm? Those are negative ions that exist in nature. Scientifically speaking, they are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale abundantly while in certain environments.

Naturally, negative ions are generated by evaporating water. That is why relaxing on a beautiful beach or standing under a waterfall feels euphoric as there are millions of negative ions circulating through the air. However, besides getting exposed to them by going on a hike or spending the day surrounded by plant life, there are a few more alternatives to enjoy their benefits. Ion generators and ion bracelets are just two of them.

Certainly, in open spaces there are far more such molecules than in your home or office. In fact, there are 20x more positive ions than negative ones in an office environment. Many of you are probably familiar with Ionic air purifiers, that remove dust pollen and tobacco smoke from the air, as well as even smaller particles that traditional filters leave behind. However, the Ion bracelet seems to bring more benefits.

How Does the Ion Bracelet Work?

Wearers have reported that Ion bracelets make them feel more powerful and active. Not only the negative ions appear to have uplifted their mood and provided them with more energy but they also have a calming and soothing effect.

Manufacturers stated that these bracelets release negative ions into the atmosphere around the wearer. Once the ion power is delivered to the wearers’ bloodstream, it contributes to their overall health and state of well-being. Among the acclaimed health benefits of negative ions, it is worth mentioning that they:

  • Purify the blood by increasing the levels of Calcium and Sodium in the blood stream
  • Revitalize cell metabolism by increasing the exchange of electronic substances in cell walls
  • Promote healthy digestion by stabilizing the appetite and improving the gastrointestinal function
  • Improve coordination, endurance, flexibility, balance, and promote a stronger constitution
  • Neutralize harmful free radicals and prevent oxidation
  • Enhance the immune system and speed up physical recovery
  • Reduce stress, anger, depression, and anxiety

How Do Negative Ion Bracelets Defeat Allergies?


Studies have shown that negative ions used in allergy therapy sessions can do miracles. They can help allergy sufferers by neutralizing harmful positive ions from exhaust fumes, factory smoke discharge, pesticides, electromagnetic fields, and food additives. Positive ions turn into free radicals damaging healthy cells. Contrarily, when negative ions enter the bloodstream of the wearer, they produce a biochemical reaction that:

  • Increases serotonin levels
  • Stabilizes blood pressure
  • Enhances heart function
  • Makes breathing easier
  • Calms and relaxes the nerves
  • Mitigates depression
  • Relieves stress
  • Boosts energy levels

The Allergy Ionizer bracelet is great for those dealing with allergies, but it also makes for an appealing and miraculous energy source. Think of the Allergy Ionizer Bracelet like your own personal negative ion force field. You can put it on or keep it in your pocket. The ionizer begins working immediately. Results may vary depending on body specific patterns, but most of wearers start feeling its beneficial effects right away.

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